There have been several new enhancements to Power BI over the last year which make it much easier to build multi-language reports. The USERCULTURE function is now fully supported and this essential DAX function provides the ability to write measures which implement report label translations dynamically. There are also several new properties for report visuals and shapes that can be configured to use these measure with dynamic translations. Finally, Power BI released a powerful, new feature named Field Parameters which offers a much better approach to implement data translations.
This camp session has been created to provide guidance and to teach campers the skills required to build Power BI reports that support multiple languages. You need to learn a few key concepts about how Power BI translations work and you also need to learn how to automate repetitive tasks that would take forever to complete manually. Once you understand how all the pieces fit together, you’ll be able to build multi-language reports for Power BI using a strategy that is reliable, predictable and scalable.

What Campers Will Learn:

  • Understand how Power BI supports metadata translations
  • Add metadata translations to a PBIX project using Translations Builder
  • Use a reliable strategy to implement report label translations
  • Enable Workflows for Human Translation using Export and Import
  • Implement data translations using Field Parameters

Session Prerequisites

Campers must have experience building queries, datasets and reports with Power BI Desktop